Lyn Peyok

Renaissance Campaign

Featuring a different look and feel in order to tie the assets back into an overarching corporate advertising campaign, the Renaissance campaign represented a maturation of the brand style.


As designer and art director, I pushed the brand forward with a new visual style that incorporated more diagrammatic illustrations with photo selections, and ensured those elements carried through to social, banner, and print ads.

Renaissance ebook design

Paid and organic social

I worked with another designer to combine graphic elements from the ebook with punchy type for an eye-catching effect.

Draft banner ads

With an opportunity to boost both impressions and thought leadership alongside a sponsored post, I first explored a few options using repurposed graphic elements from the ebook. Ultimately, I decided that reworking the imagery from the cover was the most successful option—and the digital marketing team agreed.

Final banner ads

Banners in context

Full-page print ad

Reinforcing both messaging and imagery, this industry publication ad was a fitting end to the campaign.