Lyn Peyok
All Web Projects
Countdown Campaign

Countdown Campaign

Countdown Campaign Encompassing multiple assets, touchpoints, and retargeted paid media, this campaign was part of one of LiveRamp's longest-running and most effective initiatives to drive awareness, engagement, lead generation, and conversion.Impact For this...

Navigation Refresh

Navigation Refresh

Navigation Refresh As LiveRamp shifted into a fully enterprise company, it became apparent that the entire structure of the corporate website needed to shift, too. Using historical click data and best practices, a new navigation menu aligned the website content with...

Home Page Redesign

Home Page Redesign

Home Page Redesign As LiveRamp transitioned from a startup to a SaaS company, it became apparent that the abstracted collage style of the old hero banners no longer suited the look and feel of the brand. Rallying around the idea of simplicity, the redesign of the home...

Product Pages

Product Pages

Product Pages To align with new corporate messaging, a complete overhaul of the corporate line of business pages was necessary; the redesigned pages brought products front and center with a unifed design.Impact I worked in tandem with the content and design teams to...

RampUp Website

RampUp Website

RampUp Website As the digital hub for the RampUp conference, the website is one of the primary points of interaction for speakers, attendees, and industry leaders—and the north star of the annual rebranding process.Impact I worked with the design team and stakeholders...